Disinfection of houses with ozone

10/07/2020 1724
Fincas VenalisFincas Venalis
Ozono Menorca Ozono Menorca

Ozone is one of the most powerful disinfectants that exists today. In fact, the WHO recommends it on its website since it destroys 99.9% of viruses, bacteria and fungi and is especially recommended in the fight against the coronavirus COVID-19.

Enter your new house with total hygienic security

Ozono Menorca Ozono Menorca

Therefore, it is an enormous reassurance for the home buyer to know that their house is completely disinfected, whether it is new or second hand.
If it is new, because anyone may have been in contact with someone with coronavirus, it may be the man who brings the furniture, the kitchen fitter, the electrician, etc., and if it is second-hand, we also guarantee that we will destroy any fungus or bacteria, apart from possible viruses.

Now we also disinfect your house

Ozono Menorca Ozono Menorca

For this reason, at Fincas Venalis, we are pleased to inform you that we have started a collaboration with the company OZONO MENORCA, specialized in disinfection with its professional ozone generating machines.

These are some of the services they offer:


Private households.
Commercial and industrial properties

In addition, all Fincas Venalis clients will have special prices.

You can contact them by:

Telephone: 625752095
Mail: info@ozonomenorca.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/menorcaozono/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ozonomenorca/

Ozono Menorca Ozono Menorca

All prices and details are subject to change without prior notice, including properties no longer being available. We have endeavored to make sure all the information is correct, however Portal Menorca cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.